LZ085622785CN this was ordered in May. I check every day where it is but the last time was that it went to Shanghai Airport on 26 May 2020. From then til now nothing. I did receive a refund but I still wanted the package. Is there any chance that it will arrive - even after such a long time, or has it been stolen?
Hello! I have been waiting for a long time now and my documents still havent arrive yet. Can someone confirm me more or less when they will arrive? This is my track number: RF188385204ES * Inside there are only 2 documents, so I don't think they need to go through customs. I really need them urgently, In Spain they told us that will arrive within 10 days, and now is more than 2 weeks. Thanks,
stated "arrived 23 nov 2019: it has not arrived/still missing: LN680885004CN
Tracking #: LN681249335CN due to arrive 29 Nov: 8hk3206 Store Tracking #: LN680997990CN due to arrive 30 Nov: Youdao Store Tracking #: UQ271628806CN due to arrive 30 Nov: Sarla Store Tracking #: UQ258926819CN due to arrive 2 Dec: Home Sweety Tracking #: UH246755771CN due to arrive 3 Dec: Crafts Flagship Tracking #: UH247249255CN due to arrive 3 Dec: Walk through Clouds Tracking #: UT264458063TH due to arrive 6 Dec: SHOPPINGmore