My packages seem to be lost!
Asked by Shornnm |
Hello, i order some stuff from alixpress 20 days ago and got 9 packages sent i only recieved 6, three has no update since sent on the 26th of please i need them for christmas! LW204224517CN LW204224534CN LW204224565CN are the remaining numbers, please leave contact of who i can call in NY CITY for help finding them ASAP!
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2 Answer(s)

Can you tell me where is my package (RE070812978CN). Why it shows Beijing, airlines and airline departure so many times? It seems that it has not move from Beijing in weeks.
Can you tell me where is my package (RE070812978CN). Why it shows Beijing, airlines and airline departure so many times? It seems that it has not move from Beijing in weeks.
LW204224517CN and LW204224534CN left China on Nov. 26 and is in transit to the US now. You can not know the exact situation when it's in the middle locations. It usually takes about 20-40 days (after it left China) to reach and there will be further update when it arrives.
LW204224565CN left China on Dec. 8 and is in transit to the US now.