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My Package status has not moved for 3 days


my package status has no moves for 3 days.

Is there a problem?


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My parcels numbers are
AS491550947CN it has not moved since 07/13/2020
AS496024041CN it has not moved since 07/16
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I ask the store and they always answer "be patience you will get it". All of them are in United States since that date but I does not received them. Can you help me please???

My package has not moved in over a week and has been waiting (2 replies)

Hey my package number; AG093143021CN had not moved in a while, I don’t know why it’s not being processed, the company that I made my purchase keeps telling me it will move give it a couple days but couple days keep going by and no change to status.
I didn’t even know any of this would be international it all seid national from California!!
Is it a scam, if so I need to know so I can alert the proper authorities redress of this grievance!!??

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