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my package lp539035891fr is already 21 days stuck at sinotrans-liege-linehaul


my package lp539035891fr is already 21 days stuck at sinotrans-liege-linehaul, the tracking information has said it arrived at my country since 28 oct 2020, and no change in its status. what is it waiting for? is there something you can do to make it move again?

4 Answer(s)

Hi Rian,

It hasn't arrived in your country. You need to wait for another month to see it arrives to my experience.

Number: LP539035891FR
Package status: In transit
2020-09-28 00:00, Your shipment has just left its country of dispatch.
2020-09-28 00:00, Your shipment has been delivered to our postal partner by the sender.
2020-09-28 00:00, Your shipment is being processed for an imminent departure from the country of dispatch
Hello Daisy!
Thank you for your answer my question,
And can I know what the problem with this situation? Why it need so long time to transit?
Hi Rian,

Packages are all delayed due to the coronavirus.
Hi why my order takes so long to come france LZ082763188FR it's come in how many days

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