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My package has been stuck in china customs for over a month. What can I do?


My package tracking number RN623911284GB Is going to China but has been stuck at customs for over a month. How can I get it to it's final destination?
2020-11-0103:46:00Departure from International Sorting CenterGB
03:46:00Departure from Office of ExchangeGB
08:20:00Dispatched from Office of ExchangeGB
2020-11-0518:49:02Arrival at Regional Sorting CenterBeijingCity
2020-11-0704:40:09Departure from Regional Sorting CenterBeijingCity
2020-11-0811:33:01Arrival at Regional Sorting CenterGuangzhou
13:17:09Departure from Regional Sorting CenterGuangzhou
14:49:12Item Presented to Customs?Guangzhou

1 Answer(s)

Hi kay,

It couldn't be passed the customs check in Guangzhou. You need to let the receiver call China customs number 12360 to ask how to get it.

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