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My order is marked as delivered but I did not receive it.


My order is marked delivered but I did not receive it. My Tracking Number is
AT383739325CN. I need your help please. Thank you in advance!

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2 Answer(s)

It has came up that it's been delivered but I've not received any items my tracking number is AM348023437CN could you please advise me on where it was delivered to and which delivery people was it thank you
Hi Ioannis V,

If you don't get it, you need to contact the seller to reflect the problem and get a solution as soon as possible. Only the seller can require China Post to do a formal trace investigation.

Order number: AT383739325CN
Package status: Successfully received (17 days)
Country: China -> Greece
2024-05-30 12:58 Thessaloniki 544 54, delivered [GR Thessaloniki Thessaloniki 544 54]
2024-05-30 10:07 Thessaloniki 544 54, delivery【GR Thessaloniki Thessaloniki 544 54】
2024-05-29 17:18 Thessaloniki, Express Arrival Processing Center [GR Thessaloniki Thessaloniki]
2024-05-28 16:34 Thessaloniki, shipment leaves the processing center [GR Thessaloniki Thessaloniki]
2024-05-27 19:14 Thessaloniki, transfer to destination【Thessaloniki】
2024-05-25 15:26 Thessaloniki, Express Arrival Processing Center [GR Thessaloniki Thessaloniki]
2024-05-23 20:13 GR DISTRIBUTION CENTER, Express delivery leaving the processing center [GR Thessaloniki]
2024-05-22 04:00 GR DISTRIBUTION CENTER, Express Arrival Processing Center [GR Thessaloniki]
2024-05-18 17:05 GR International Airport, Arrival【GR International Airport】
2024-05-16 12:48 HK International Airport, depart【HK International Airport】
2024-05-14 12:00 Hong Kong, export customs clearance completed【Hong Kong】
2024-05-14 11:02 Dongguan City, Express delivery leaves the processing center [Dongguan City]
2024-05-14 10:24 Dongguan City, Express Arrival Processing Center [Dongguan City]
2024-05-14 09:52 Hong Kong, Express arrival processing center【Hong Kong】
2024-05-13 22:43 Dongguan City, Accepted at Origin Facility, Trunk Line Transfer
2024-05-13 16:52 Dongguan City, the email left [Dongguan International Company Direct International Sales Department] and is being sent to [Guangshang Center]
2024-05-13 16:47 Dongguan City, the mail has been sorted at [Dongguan International Company Direct International Sales Department] and is ready to be sent out
2024-05-13 16:43 Dongguan City, China Post has received the mail

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