It's still in transit to the US and hasn't arrived. You need to wait for more days to get update. If you couldn't receive it in time, remember to contact the seller to get a solution as soon as possible. We have notice many packages with this kind of tracking number couldn't be delivered properly.
My order has apparently been delivered but most certainly hasn't. You can clearly see via the tracking. It isn't even in the correct town or state. Please help as I now conveniently cannot make contact with the seller and the emails I have send them cannot even be delivered to their email addresses. Tracking number is LV431344687CN. Thank you
My order LO432528320CN has been delivered to Airlines Shanghai City since November 15, 2019. I'd like to get more information, it's been 40 days and I haven't received it yet. Thank you
It's still in transit to the US and hasn't arrived. You need to wait for more days to get update. If you couldn't receive it in time, remember to contact the seller to get a solution as soon as possible. We have notice many packages with this kind of tracking number couldn't be delivered properly.