China Post: 86 10 11185 EMS: 86 10 11183

My 2 parcels are stuck and stopped for 2 month!


Tracking no. CC733230323DK
Tracking no. CC733230310DK
Please help me as China Post has not contacted the recepient for custom clearance. Payment was done through Post Nord.
Regards, Suzanne

1 Answer(s)

Hi Suzanne Prichardt,

The receiver can use WeChat to finish payment. Just search 'ems 邮件代理报关' from WeChat Mini Program(微信小程序). Then, click '缴纳税款' to pay tax. If no, you can also help the receiver to pay taxes by clicking '帮他人缴税' to check how much you need to pay the finish payment. They support payment through Alipay, WeChat and bank card.

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My 2 parcels are stuck and stopped for 2 month! (1 reply)

Tracking no. CC733230323DK
Tracking no. CC733230310DK
Please help me as China Post has not contacted the recepient for custom clearance. Payment was done through Post Nord.
Regards, Suzanne

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