LY899846949CN 18 days stuck at Guangzhou handed over to carrier.
Asked by pcjones |
LY899846949CN This is absolutely ridiculous. I have read where others have had shipping less than 10 days for the same date range yet this just sits here. If there is an EMS backup then why can someone order something from China after my order, have it come through the same process according to its tracking information and make it to the US in 10 days, when my package has sat at the same place for 18 day? It must be a "selective" EMS back up. Next time if I want to order something and find out it is coming from China, I will just fabricate the part. Even with zero fabrication ability I think I will have what I need much quicker and without the excuses.
LY899846949CN is sent by e-packet. It takes about 30-60 days to be delivered to the US for most of the packages now.