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LY634120255CN delivered to wrong address


The tracking of my package said it was delivered on Saturday, March 6th. The problem is it was NOT delivered to my address! It was delivered to an address in Decatur, Illinois and I live in Glenview, Illinois at 2136 Linneman St. Please advise me as to how to get my order!
Thank you!
Carol Christensen

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1 Answer(s)

Hi auntiecoco1964,

In general, if it's not delivered to your address, you need to contact the seller to ask if the tracking number is right. The seller may give you a tracking number of another customer. If the number is right, he may filled the address by mistake. If all are right, you need to contact USPS to reflect the problem and check it for you as soon as possible. The seller should give you a solution at last if you couldn't get it.

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