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Location of LY119354348CN


Hello I still wait for LY119354348CN it should have been in the US. I spoke to USPS i was advised that the package is still in Chia. Can you tell me when it going to start moving to US

1 Answer(s)

Hi CJ2008,

It has left China and is in transit to the US now. You can not know the exact situation when it's in the middle locations. It usually takes about 20-50 days to have update showing it arrives. Please wait for more days to get update.

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Hello I still wait for LY119354348CN it should have been in the US. I spoke to USPS i was advised that the package is still in Chia. Can you tell me when it going to start moving to US

Location of LY119354348CN (2 replies)

Hello I'm still waiting for LY119354348CN it should have been in the US. I spoke to USPS i was advised that the package is still in Chia. Chia Post advised me that it is in US. The last scan shows Arriving at Zhengzhou Terminal that was on April 16, 2020
Can you tell me where my package is at
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