LB147462082SG - stuck for 10 days (In transit - Departed waypoint / Hong Kong)
Asked by Ari |
Hello, my packages (LB147462082SG) is not updated for the last 10 days (In transit - Departed waypoint (Hong Kong)).
How can I check where the package is now? Based on the information on Aliexpress page it flyes for 10 days now. Airplanes do not fly so long!
I also ordered some other things a few days later and they already arrived at the US.
Thanks for any info.
How can I check where the package is now? Based on the information on Aliexpress page it flyes for 10 days now. Airplanes do not fly so long!
I also ordered some other things a few days later and they already arrived at the US.
Thanks for any info.
Hand over to airline doesn't mean it has catched the light and leave. It may still needs some days to leave. You'd better wait for more days to get update.