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Last update was: transiting via the transit airport nearly 1 month ago


Hi Daisy!

Tracking number - LZ965966812CN

The last update for my parcel was 'transiting via the transit airport' nearly one month ago.
Has the item been lost, or can you see where it is?

Many thanks :)

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1 Answer(s)

Hi Buttersstotch26,

It's from the middle transit station to UK now. You'd better wait for more days to get update showing it arrives in UK.

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Last update was: transiting via the transit airport nearly 1 month ago (1 reply)

Hi Daisy!

Tracking number - LZ965966812CN

The last update for my parcel was 'transiting via the transit airport' nearly one month ago.
Has the item been lost, or can you see where it is?

Many thanks :)

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