Item held by Chinese Customs
Asked by Titi55 |
Supplier shipped an item from Philippines to Chinese warehouse through post office, EE192621553PH is the tracking number, it says items has been held by Chinese customs, how do I retrieve my items, kindly help, it’s been held for over a week, it contains skin supplements I forms of pills and also glutathione supplements
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4 Answer(s)

Hello Daisy, the receiver is still yet to receive the items, can the items, can the sender call back the items or how long can the item be held by Chinese customs, spoken to sender and since receiver is finding it difficult to still receive items, can sender call back items and how long will it take for the items to be sent back to Philippines, is she supposed to contact the Philippines post office , what can I do since receiver is finding it difficult. Please help, it’s been held for almost a month now

Hi Titi55,
It also needs the receiver contact China Post to require it return back.
China Post service number: 11185
It also needs the receiver contact China Post to require it return back.
China Post service number: 11185

Hi Daisy, thank you for the answer, The receiver’s number is on it, it’s actually a warehouse number and was suppose to be sent to Africa using China as a transit but the receiver for whatever reasons is unable to claim it, The number and address of the items are on the package along with my name for easy identification when it gets here, please what else can I do because I want to get my package out. Thank you
It should be waiting for the receiver in China to declare to the customs now. You'd better contact the receiver in China to ask if he has received the notice from the customs. If no, let him check through authorized tax collection system ( to check or call China customs service number 12360 to check.