Is the tracking number of our order a real number or fake
Asked by Wayne |
Product ordered Aug 26th . Was to take no less than 20 days to arrive. Is this a real order or a fake order.
If it is real then please update info for tracking order LV237651787CN
If it is real then please update info for tracking order LV237651787CN
The seller shipped it on September 30. It's in transit to Canada now.
Number: LV237651787CN
Package status: In transit
Country: China -> Canada
2021-09-30 03:18 CNCAND,China, International item has left originating country and is en route to Canada
2021-09-19 13:25 CNCANA,China, International item processed in originating country
2021-09-06 14:15 China, International item mailed in originating country