It's delayed for a long time in China. To my experience, there should be update showing it arrives in middle September, you'd better wait for more days to see if there is any update. If no, contact the seller to give you a solution as soon as possible.
My tracking number is EV015213585CN. I never received the package within the expected timeframe. I had forgotten about it after awhile. I also never received any notices from customs. USPS can't do an inquiry. I fear I waited too long. Is there a way to do an inquiry or trace where the package is? Last posting was that the plane had landed.
I would like to know the meaning of the status of parcel tracking which states "[Chongqing Processing Center] has been exported to direct seal" on the 07/12/17 after which no tracking status is available.
It's delayed for a long time in China. To my experience, there should be update showing it arrives in middle September, you'd better wait for more days to see if there is any update. If no, contact the seller to give you a solution as soon as possible.