China Post: 86 10 11185 EMS: 86 10 11183



Good Morning,

sto aspettando da un mese la spedizione numero AT389952105CN, attualmente vedo che ogni 3/4 giorni cambio lo status ma della consegna non si è traccia. Potreste aiutarmi a capire dove si trova il mio pacco e con quale corriere mi verrà consegnato in Italia?


1 Answer(s)

Hi Luca,

It's delivered by Poste Italiane. It's still in transit in Italy now. You'd better wait for more days to get update.

Number: AT389952105CN
Package status: In transit
Country: China -> Italy
2024-05-20 15:12 Cusano Milanino, the shipment leaves the processing center [IT MI Cusano Milanino]
2024-05-17 11:13 Cusano Milanino, the shipment arrives at the processing center [IT MI Cusano Milanino]
2024-05-14 12:06 Cusano Milanino, the shipment arrives at the processing center [IT MI Cusano Milanino]
2024-05-11 09:23 Cusano Milanino, the shipment leaves the processing center [IT MI Cusano Milanino]
2024-05-08 19:01 Cusano Milanino, the express arrives at the processing center [IT MI Cusano Milanino]
2024-05-04 11:15 Cusano Milanino, arrived at [Cusano Milanino]
2024-05-01 11:15 SHANGHAI, departure【SHANGHAI】
2024-04-28 10:13 SHANGHAI, export customs clearance completed [SHANGHAI]
2024-04-25 13:11 SHANGHAI, the express arrives at the customs office [SHANGHAI] at the place of origin, waiting for customs clearance
2024-04-24 10:25 Dongguan City, the express shipment leaves the processing center [Dongguan City]
2024-04-24 09:53 Dongguan City, express shipment arrives at processing center [Dongguan City]
2024-04-23 17:21 Dongguan City, the email left [International Sales Department Directly Affiliated to Dongguan International Company] and is being sent to [Guangzhou Commercial Center]
2024-04-23 17:18 Dongguan City, the mail has been sorted at [International Sales Department directly under Dongguan International Company] and is ready to be sent out
2024-04-23 16:58 Dongguan City, China Post Mail received

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Good Morning,

sto aspettando da un mese la spedizione numero AT389952105CN, attualmente vedo che ogni 3/4 giorni cambio lo status ma della consegna non si è traccia. Potreste aiutarmi a capire dove si trova il mio pacco e con quale corriere mi verrà consegnato in Italia?


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Thank you,
Susan Hladky

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