It was delivered by airline on May 18. It usually takes about 30-60 days to have update showing it arrives in the USA after it was delivered by airline. You'd better wait for more days to get update. If there is no update in two months, you need to contact the seller to get a solution as soon as possible.
Number: RV422827077CN Package status: In transit Country: China -> United States 2020-05-18 14:16, Guangzhou, has been delivered to the airline transport 2020-05-18 14:16, Guangzhou, has been delivered to the airline transport 2020-05-18 13:39, Guangzhou City, leaving the Guangzhou International Center, the next stop "Guangzhou International Exchange Station" (via transfer) 2020-05-18 09:08, Guangzhou City, Guangzhou International Center has been exported to the direct seal 2020-05-18 09:08, Guangzhou City, Guangzhou International Center return, note: security return 2020-05-16 14:01, Guangzhou City, Guangzhou International Center has been exported to the direct seal 2020-05-16 12:15, Guangzhou City, arriving at the Guangzhou International Center (via transfer) 2020-05-16 10:04, Foshan City, leave the Foshan Delivery Processing Center, next stop ,Guangzhou International Center 2020-05-15 03:57, Foshan City, arrived at the Foshan Delivery Processing Center 2020-05-15 03:56, Foshan City, leave the International Small Package Processing Center, next stop ,Guangzhou International 2020-05-14 19:58, Foshan City, "International Small Package Processing Center" has received
I am seeking further information regarding package Tracking No. CY024592957CN. It appears stuck and has not progressed through the import stage and no parties can assist. I have been informed Chine POst uses its own Importation Clearance company but I have no detail. Can you please investigate and enquire as to the location and progress of my package.
It was delivered by airline on May 18. It usually takes about 30-60 days to have update showing it arrives in the USA after it was delivered by airline. You'd better wait for more days to get update. If there is no update in two months, you need to contact the seller to get a solution as soon as possible.
Number: RV422827077CN
Package status: In transit
Country: China -> United States
2020-05-18 14:16, Guangzhou, has been delivered to the airline transport
2020-05-18 14:16, Guangzhou, has been delivered to the airline transport
2020-05-18 13:39, Guangzhou City, leaving the Guangzhou International Center, the next stop "Guangzhou International Exchange Station" (via transfer)
2020-05-18 09:08, Guangzhou City, Guangzhou International Center has been exported to the direct seal
2020-05-18 09:08, Guangzhou City, Guangzhou International Center return, note: security return
2020-05-16 14:01, Guangzhou City, Guangzhou International Center has been exported to the direct seal
2020-05-16 12:15, Guangzhou City, arriving at the Guangzhou International Center (via transfer)
2020-05-16 10:04, Foshan City, leave the Foshan Delivery Processing Center, next stop ,Guangzhou International Center
2020-05-15 03:57, Foshan City, arrived at the Foshan Delivery Processing Center
2020-05-15 03:56, Foshan City, leave the International Small Package Processing Center, next stop ,Guangzhou International
2020-05-14 19:58, Foshan City, "International Small Package Processing Center" has received