I never received my item
Asked by Chris |
My tracking number states. Dad, the package was delivered but there is no address. Just a suburb and I know China Post hands over to a local company so I need to know which one + the new tracking number AM555852032CN
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2 Answer(s)
Australia Post has no record of the item, I don't understand why you can't give me the new tracking number for Australia post
It should be delivered by Australia Post.
It was delivered on Dec. 17. If you don't receive it, try to contact the seller to check it for you. Only the seller can require China Post to do a formal trace investigation. If the seller doesn't reply, it may be a scam. We have found many seller uses china post parcel to ship some junk to another address. The shipping is real, but the parcel does not contain the goods you purchased and the parcel address is not even to your address either. You need to call your bank and report fraud asap.