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i forgot to paste my customs invoice on my packages. Is that a problem?


my package is hold by the customs now (export) is tht because i didnt paste my invoice?

3 Answer(s)

Hi svenonverwagt,

You need to contact the receiver in China to ask if he has received any notice from the customs. In normal, if it's stuck at the customs, it should be waiting for the receiver in China to declare to the customs. You'd better contact the receiver in China to ask if he has received the notice from the customs. If no, let him check through authorized tax collection system ( to check or call China customs service number 12360 to check.
EK645269425GB Item has not reached receiver in over 2months! What is happening, I've asked receiver to check and he hasn't received text if about customs. Apparently either no attempt to call has been made or parcel company label is missing Number. How will item be received from customs. Receiver number was listed and is: 13418545076
Hi Samuel Emeanuwa,

Let the receiver call China customs service number 12360 or China post service number 11185 to check. If the receiver doesn't declare, it couldn't be released from the customs.

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