How to stop our parcel being delivered
Asked by Billy Tokatlidis |
We believe we have been scammed parcel going to Lisa Wright at 3/6 Dingfuzhuang chaoyang district Beijing China - sent IPad Pro, stylus pen, cover and keyboard via international post from Australia our tracking number EJ205934464AU. Please stop this parcel and return as it is a scam.
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4 Answer(s)

Billy Tokatlidis
Rachael - can you show me what proof they showed you when they picked it up - as it went to a Lisa Wright. When it is a scam do you really think the receiver will return it. I would like proof sent.

When you delivered it, did you write the contact phone number of Lisa Wright? When China Post deliver the parcel, they usually call her to pick it up. If it's not that person, she will not receive the call. China Post delivered the parcel to the place and the person as you provided.

Billy Tokatlidis
It is extremely disappointing as they are scammers - and AUS Post did put a not on the system which obviously China Post just ignored.
This parcel has been delivered successfully in Beijing on Nov. 7. You can only contact the receiver to ask him return it back to you.