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How long does it take after "Send item out of sorting centre"


I have another package sent to Chongqing and the recipient has received the letter. In her case, the parcel was released from custom yesterday and the letter is already delivered to her today.

I have this letter, RC822124882SG, that has been released from custom on 6 September, but my friend has not received it yet. How long does it normally take? The destination is to 汉中市勉县勉阳街道勉县电影公司生活区. Please advise. Thank you!

Destination - Cached time: 2021-09-09 08:34:00 (GMT+08:00)
2021-09-06 15:34
西安市, 进口海关放行
2021-09-06 10:29
西安市, 送交进口海关
2021-08-31 14:30
北京市, 送交进口海关
2021-08-28 01:20
新加坡, 离开境外出口互换局(尚未抵达中国邮政)
2021-08-28 01:20
新加坡, 离开【新加坡】处理中心

Origin - Cached time: 2021-09-09 08:33:59 (GMT+08:00)
2021-09-06 15:35
Send item out of sorting centre (Country: CN)
2021-09-06 15:34
Released from Custom
2021-09-06 10:29
Held by Custom
2021-09-06 10:28
Receive item at sorting centre (Country: CN)
2021-08-31 14:30
Held by Custom
2021-08-31 09:52
Arrival at Processing Center (Country code: CN)
2021-08-31 09:51
Arrival at Destination Post (Country: CN)
2021-08-28 01:20
Despatched to overseas (Country code: CN)
2021-08-27 13:00
Further processing in progress (TAMPINES CENTRAL POST OFFICE)
2021-08-27 10:14
Item Received at Post Office (TAMPINES CENTRAL POST OFFICE)

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How long does it take after "Send item out of sorting centre" (0 reply)

I have another package sent to Chongqing and the recipient has received the letter. In her case, the parcel was released from custom yesterday and the letter is already delivered to her today.

I have this letter, RC822124882SG, that has been released from custom on 6 September, but my friend has not received it yet. How long does it normally take? The destination is to 汉中市勉县勉阳街道勉县电影公司生活区. Please advise. Thank you!

Destination - Cached time: 2021-09-09 08:34:00 (GMT+08:00)
2021-09-06 15:34
西安市, 进口海关放行
2021-09-06 10:29
西安市, 送交进口海关
2021-08-31 14:30
北京市, 送交进口海关
2021-08-28 01:20
新加坡, 离开境外出口互换局(尚未抵达中国邮政)
2021-08-28 01:20
新加坡, 离开【新加坡】处理中心

Origin - Cached time: 2021-09-09 08:33:59 (GMT+08:00)
2021-09-06 15:35
Send item out of sorting centre (Country: CN)
2021-09-06 15:34
Released from Custom
2021-09-06 10:29
Held by Custom
2021-09-06 10:28
Receive item at sorting centre (Country: CN)
2021-08-31 14:30
Held by Custom
2021-08-31 09:52
Arrival at Processing Center (Country code: CN)
2021-08-31 09:51
Arrival at Destination Post (Country: CN)
2021-08-28 01:20
Despatched to overseas (Country code: CN)
2021-08-27 13:00
Further processing in progress (TAMPINES CENTRAL POST OFFICE)
2021-08-27 10:14
Item Received at Post Office (TAMPINES CENTRAL POST OFFICE)

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Hi, my tracking number is RC807353327SG. Currently, it is has been at the sorting centre since the 4th of August. Therefore, may I know why my parcel is being held at the sorting centre for such a long time? Thank you.

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