If it has been shipped, the number couldn't be added. You can only try to contact the courier in your country to ask if they could add it for you when it arrives in the destination country.
Hello my package is CW292270639US and the name Ednauh Kamlondy. It was shipped from the US and they were unaware that the package needs my phone number. It has been in Chengdu for a couple days but I don't know how to get a hold of it. My phone number is 17761229367. To add to the matter, I speak very little chinese. How can I receive my package? Can I go pick it up in person? Where is it exactly in Chengdu?
These 3 parcels were arrived at Saudi , are waiting for the customs clearance . But the customs phone number given by postal office is (+966) 1 289 7473 uncorrect . No one pick up .
Please can you tell me one useful phone nunmber of Customs office in Riyadh ,Saudi Arabia? Or who or which phone number I should contact ?
I bought a phone online from china last year and last month it started give me some problems. I sent my phone to china for repairing because it was still under grantee and until now it haven't reached the supplier for fix. Fuzhou, customs in china want me to pay so that they can release my phone for repairing. How can be assisted in this matter?
If it has been shipped, the number couldn't be added. You can only try to contact the courier in your country to ask if they could add it for you when it arrives in the destination country.