The zip code belong to Yangshan County, Qingyuan City of Guangdong, there are many post offices there. It's hard for you to find the post office you need to contact only by knowing the zip code.
You'd better provide your tracking number in order to track the package. Or you can contact China Post service number 11183 (then 8 for English service) to help you track. You need to be in China to call the number.
Good Day! item has reached DUBAI already unfortunately, the post code that i have written is the old one i have according to local post office here, i need to send email to the international courier to update the post code in their system in order to collect the item. TRACKING NO: RL800176137CN P.O. Box 7220 - the correct post code number to be updated in the international courier service.
Good Day! I would like to seek help from you good office about this tracking no: RL800176137CN Item already reached in destination but unfortunately, the delivery address post code was mentioned wrong, as per our local post office they need an email subject for INTERNATIONAL QUERY to update the wrong p.o. box to the new one or otherwise to be delivered to the public p.o. box. please find below correct details: MARNELLI ANN MARTIN Room 303 Al Jabbar Building, Muraqabbat - Dubai P.O. Box 7220 Mobile No: +971 52 9093707
The zip code belong to Yangshan County, Qingyuan City of Guangdong, there are many post offices there. It's hard for you to find the post office you need to contact only by knowing the zip code.
You'd better provide your tracking number in order to track the package. Or you can contact China Post service number 11183 (then 8 for English service) to help you track. You need to be in China to call the number.