China Post: 86 10 11185 EMS: 86 10 11183

How can I contact China post through email?


I want official email of china post as I have some queries regarding my parcel. Kindly give me official email of china post.

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How can I contact China post through email? (0 reply)

I want official email of china post as I have some queries regarding my parcel. Kindly give me official email of china post.


Comment contacter la douane chinoise par email

Ou China Post par email

Contact (1 reply)

Hi its been 157 since I had a update on my tracking I can’t get ahold of China post is there a email I can get in touch with them I tried calling no success my tracking number is LW230624800CN or does epacket have a number or email I can reach them please and thank you

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