China Post: 86 10 11185 EMS: 86 10 11183

Hold item at point of delivery


I have sent a package to China on 09.01.2020
Tracking number: RS340151378LV
At the moment my package is: Hold item at point of delivery
Please, can you help me to resolve this?

Here is the destination address:
Contact Name: Rosa
Address: Shanzuitou Road Mingxin Industrial Park A201, Longhua, Shenzhen,
Guangdong, China
Zip Code: 518000
Mobile: +86 18923475127

2 Answer(s)

Hi Saiva Liepina,

The delivery was failed on Feb. 2 as the recipient couldn't be get connected through phone. You need to let the recipient call China Post service number 11183 to ask for a redelivery.
Good day,
Just want to confirm if Parcel needs to be collected or will it be delivered to the recipient.
Thank you!
Tracking: LP182127604SG

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Hold item at point of delivery (2 replies)

I have sent a package to China on 09.01.2020
Tracking number: RS340151378LV
At the moment my package is: Hold item at point of delivery
Please, can you help me to resolve this?

Here is the destination address:
Contact Name: Rosa
Address: Shanzuitou Road Mingxin Industrial Park A201, Longhua, Shenzhen,
Guangdong, China
Zip Code: 518000
Mobile: +86 18923475127

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