It's sent by using China Post Ordinary Small Packet Plus which is a cheap service of China Post. China Post doesn't provide tracking service for it after it arrives in UK. So, you can't get more update after April 21. It usually takes about 60-90 days to be delivered. If you couldn't get it in time, contact the seller to give you a solution.
My parcel was sent to airline on 16th March . It is now the 5th May and still no updates or parcel. It is going to England and England isn’t mentioned as one of the countries experiencing coronavirus delays. When will my package arrive in England ? My tracking number is LX049403699CN . Thankyou
It's sent by using China Post Ordinary Small Packet Plus which is a cheap service of China Post. China Post doesn't provide tracking service for it after it arrives in UK. So, you can't get more update after April 21. It usually takes about 60-90 days to be delivered. If you couldn't get it in time, contact the seller to give you a solution.