It should be a Brushing Scam. It's sent by sellers in China to boost the seller's ratings by creating fake orders. They usually ship an inexpensive product to an unwitting receiver and then submitting positive reviews on the product. If you are not charged,just keep it.
Hi. I have received a package for an item I did not order (tracking number LX207932174CN).
This is for a ring that I didnt order and have not paid for. Please advise how I return the item and ensure the sender does not forward any more items to me.
I have also reported this to British Police/fraud squad.
It should be a Brushing Scam. It's sent by sellers in China to boost the seller's ratings by creating fake orders. They usually ship an inexpensive product to an unwitting receiver and then submitting positive reviews on the product. If you are not charged,just keep it.