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Export Custom Security Returned


Hi I am waiting for my parcel to arrive but it has been returned from security twice. Kindly tell me will it arrive in my country India.Its just a cheap gas sensor without any battery.

Tracking no is

10 Nov 2019
Returned, remarks: security check returned
Guangzhou, Guangdong
06 Nov 2019
Released from customs

You may get the answer from the following articles:

2 Answer(s)

It's in transit to India now. You need to track it in the following days to see if it could leave China successfully.
So how many times Shanghai export custom can reject the parcel? Is there any chance by considering previous case history that it will clear custom? And what does the shipment company do to so that the parcel clears security like repacking or cheking?

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Export Custom Security Returned (2 replies)

Hi I am waiting for my parcel to arrive but it has been returned from security twice. Kindly tell me will it arrive in my country India.Its just a cheap gas sensor without any battery.

Tracking no is

10 Nov 2019
Returned, remarks: security check returned
Guangzhou, Guangdong
06 Nov 2019
Released from customs

Where is my package (1 reply)

My tracking number has been stuck for several days and just want to verify that everything is in order
Tracking number EB827706329CN
11/19/2024 7:30 PM Posting/Collection 266200
11/20/2024 10:04 AM Item presented to export Customs/Security TYSGJHHJ
11/20/2024 10:40 AM Item returned from export Customs/Security TYSGJHHJ
11/21/2024 11:05 AM Item returned from export Customs/Security BJGJHHJ
11/21/2024 11:06 AM Departure from outward office of exchange BEIJING EMS
11/21/2024 11:06 AM Item presented to export Customs/Security

Item returned from export Customs/Security (39 replies)

I'm waiting for a package wich information is this:
2018/11/16 22:23 Received by Post Office 510262
2018/11/17 6:04 Departure export customs GUANGZHOU EM
2018/11/17 6:04 Item returned from export Customs/Security GUANGZHOU EM

Is there any problem? Item returned? is not be sent to my country?
Tracking number is LM256918885CN

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