Expected delivery date
Asked by Ggarrick |
Is there an estimated delivery date available for my package, tracking number AQ488376435CN? Was supposed to be express 2 day shipping and it’s been going all over China for 2 weeks.
It's in the US now. It should be delivered to you recently.
Number: AQ488376435CN
Package status: In transit
Country: China -> United States
2021-10-22 14:29 Akron, OH, arrives Akron, OH
2021-10-22 11:23 Akron, OH, arrives Akron, OH
2021-10-19 01:12 ORD, mail in transit within the country
2021-10-16 12:27 ORD, arrives at ORD
2021-10-16 10:06 CGO, leave the CGO
2021-10-14 16:19 CGO, Mail International Shipping transit
2021-10-13 19:50 CGO, Mail International Shipping transit
2021-10-11 21:23 ShaTian, Mail International Transit
2021-10-11 19:57 Shenzhen Airport Station, leaving Shenzhen Airport Station
2021-10-08 17:00 Dongguan City, arrived at the Dongguan Express Processing Center
2021-10-08 16:57 Dongguan City, leaving the Dongguan International Business Department, the next stop
2021-10-08 13:12 Dongguan City, "Dongguan International Business Department" has received