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estafa por internet


I have received a package with a ring that I have not ordered from the cuiyuan company- HYYT Since no 84 jinyang street xiaodian district taiyuan taiyuansi, shangxisha
Is a gotcha. I have looked on the internet and there are many cases identical to mine. I would appreciate if you could tell me how I can get in touch with the Chinese authorities, to stop these criminals who stain the image of thousands of honest businessmen from that great country for which I feel great admiration.
Thanks a lot

2 Answer(s)

Hi Joaquin,

It's hard for you to get in touch with the Chinese Authorities to stop it. Even in China, it's difficult to reflect the problem. It's a Brushing Scam. It's sent by sellers in China to boost the seller's ratings by creating fake orders. They usually ship an inexpensive product to an unwitting receiver and then submitting positive reviews on the product.
Hola, me ha llegado un paquete que yo NO he pedido, ademas me han cobrado 5’96 euros por recibirlo.
Como puedo devolverlo?

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Thanks a lot

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