It's shipped by Zhong You Ya Mao Logisitcs (中邮亚贸). Tracking information shows it was delivered on November 10. If you don't receive it, you can only try to contact the seller to reflect the problem and require the seller to contact the courier to check it for you. If the seller doesn't reply you, try to contact your bank or visa company to ask for a charge back. Or, open a dispute from the platform you buy it to get refund in time.
Order number: DU9101020627YM Package status: Successfully received (19 days) Country: China -> United States 2024-11-10 12:22 Delivered highland 92346-3035 2024-11-09 12:54 Out for Delivery highland 92346-3035 2024-11-07 15:54 Arrive at the mail processing center highland 92346-3035 2024-11-06 15:17 Customs clearance completed 2024-11-05 10:11 The import customs keep it for inspection 2024-11-04 13:37 customs clearanceisin progress 2024-11-02 11:39 Arriveat Airport 2024-10-31 09:00 Departure【HK International Airport】 2024-10-29 10:09 Airlines receive【Hong Kong】 2024-10-28 15:38 Handed over to the carrier for transportation【Hong Kong】 2024-10-27 12:34 The shipment leaves the processing center [Hong Kong] 2024-10-26 15:28 The shipment arrives at the processing center [Hong Kong] 2024-10-25 10:39 Export customs/release【Shenzhen City】 2024-10-24 16:12 Mail leaves the processing center [Shenzhen City] 2024-10-23 13:57 The mail has been sorted and is ready to be sent out [Shenzhen City] 2024-10-22 15:33 Shenzhen processing center has received and shipped [Shenzhen City]
It's shipped by Zhong You Ya Mao Logisitcs (中邮亚贸). Tracking information shows it was delivered on November 10. If you don't receive it, you can only try to contact the seller to reflect the problem and require the seller to contact the courier to check it for you. If the seller doesn't reply you, try to contact your bank or visa company to ask for a charge back. Or, open a dispute from the platform you buy it to get refund in time.
Order number: DU9101020627YM
Package status: Successfully received (19 days)
Country: China -> United States
2024-11-10 12:22 Delivered highland 92346-3035
2024-11-09 12:54 Out for Delivery highland 92346-3035
2024-11-07 15:54 Arrive at the mail processing center highland 92346-3035
2024-11-06 15:17 Customs clearance completed
2024-11-05 10:11 The import customs keep it for inspection
2024-11-04 13:37 customs clearanceisin progress
2024-11-02 11:39 Arriveat Airport
2024-10-31 09:00 Departure【HK International Airport】
2024-10-29 10:09 Airlines receive【Hong Kong】
2024-10-28 15:38 Handed over to the carrier for transportation【Hong Kong】
2024-10-27 12:34 The shipment leaves the processing center [Hong Kong]
2024-10-26 15:28 The shipment arrives at the processing center [Hong Kong]
2024-10-25 10:39 Export customs/release【Shenzhen City】
2024-10-24 16:12 Mail leaves the processing center [Shenzhen City]
2024-10-23 13:57 The mail has been sorted and is ready to be sent out [Shenzhen City]
2024-10-22 15:33 Shenzhen processing center has received and shipped [Shenzhen City]