China Post: 86 10 11185 EMS: 86 10 11183



The shipment with tracking number LO899439239CN has been recovered to you. Please confirm shipment and send it back to the same source. Thank you or to the following address Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, Alsalam 11561

1 Answer(s)

Hi NasserAl,

It's on the way back to China now according to the tracking information. It will be returned to the address the seller provided.

Number: LO899439239CN
Package status: Pick up
Country: China -> Saudi Arabia
2020-08-17 15:09, Riyadh, leaving the Offshore Export Swap Bureau (not yet arriving at China Post)
2020-08-17 07:40, Saudi Arabia, to the second-level processing center of Saudi Arabia.
2020-08-17 07:40, Saudi Arabia, arrive outside the transfer.
2020-08-16 09:31, Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia arranges delivery.
2020-07-15 15:54, Saudi Arabia, arrive at the offshore self-reference point.
2020-07-15 08:25, Saudi Arabia, has arrived at the Saudi Arabia Delivery Bureau.
2020-07-13 19:40, Saudi Arabia, leave stoamen.
2020-07-13 19:01, Riyadh, arrive at the Sita processing center.
2020-05-30 14:21, Guangzhou, has been handed over to the airline transport.
2020-05-30 11:14, Guangzhou City, leaving the Guangzhou International Center, the next stop "Guangzhou International Exchange Station" (via transfer)
2020-05-30 05:50, Guangzhou City, "Guangzhou International Center" has been exported to the direct seal.
2020-05-30 05:49, Guangzhou City, "Guangzhou International Center" return, note: security return.
2020-03-17 08:05, Guangzhou City, "Guangzhou International Center" has been exported to the direct seal.
2020-03-16 08:30, Guangzhou City, arriving at the Guangzhou Airport North Processing Center (via transfer)
2020-03-15 22:42, Nanning City, leave the Nanning Mail Processing Center, the next stop ,Guangzhou Airport North Processing Center
2020-03-15 18:21, Nanning City, arrived at the Nanning Mail Processing Center
2020-03-13 19:20, Nanning City, leaving the East China Investment Department, the next stop "Nanning International Parcel Processing Center"
2020-03-13 16:17, Nanning City, "East China Investment Department" has been received

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