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Delay of Delivery


To Whom it may concern,
I purchased a scooter about 3 mounths ago, and it was sent to your establishment. I would like to know why it is taking so long for my package to arrive to my destination. there has been no updates on my scooter since August,

Here is my Tracking number RV579460574CN kindly get back to my ASAP!

thanks and kind regards,
Uziel Ohayon

2 Answer(s)

Hi Uziel Ohayon,

It's still stuck in Guangzhou, China now. It's not normal. You need to contact the seller to give you a solution (refund you or send it again to you) as soon as possible.

Dear sir/madam,
I have already contacted my seller, they are going to be sending me another one.
however, what I am finding it very strange to understand from what you just said, is that you know where my scooter is, and you know that it's stuck. So how is it that you can't make it unstuck and send it to me since it's at your establishment. this does not make any sens! I surly hope since my seller is re sending my scooter, it does not get stuck again.
Kindly note, the fact you can't fix this issue it's ridiculous. i do not know what kind of system or policy you people are working with .

Uziel Ohayon.

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