It's in transit to the USA now. It should be reached in the USA in this month and there will be update after it arrives. You'd better wait for more days to see.
Number: LV985072835CN Package status: In transit Country: China -> United States 2024-04-12 03:14 Airline departure 2024-04-10 18:17 Airlines receive 2024-04-09 10:06 Shenzhen City, handed over to the carrier for transportation 2024-04-09 06:55 Shenzhen City, the email has left [International Exchange Bureau of Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province] and is being sent to the next stop. 2024-04-09 06:54 Shenzhen City, the mail arrived at [Shenzhen International Exchange Bureau, Guangdong Province] 2024-04-09 05:08 Shenzhen City, [Shenzhen International Exchange Bureau of Guangdong Province] has been exported directly 2024-04-09 05:07 Shenzhen City, Export Customs/Release 2024-04-09 05:07 Shenzhen City, delivered to export customs 2024-04-09 04:17 Shenzhen City, the email left [Shenzhen International Hong Kong China Express Sales Department] and is being sent to [Shenzhen International] 2024-04-09 04:17 Shenzhen City, the mail has been sorted at [Shenzhen International Hong Kong Zhongkuai Sales Department] and is ready to be sent out 2024-04-09 04:17 Shenzhen City, China Post has received the mail
Hi,I would like to know the current status of my parcel tracking number - 71774136455 Shows status as Guangzhou Transit Station export security scan since 2017-01-11 19:05.This is the first and last status in tracking
It's in transit to the USA now. It should be reached in the USA in this month and there will be update after it arrives. You'd better wait for more days to see.
Number: LV985072835CN
Package status: In transit
Country: China -> United States
2024-04-12 03:14 Airline departure
2024-04-10 18:17 Airlines receive
2024-04-09 10:06 Shenzhen City, handed over to the carrier for transportation
2024-04-09 06:55 Shenzhen City, the email has left [International Exchange Bureau of Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province] and is being sent to the next stop.
2024-04-09 06:54 Shenzhen City, the mail arrived at [Shenzhen International Exchange Bureau, Guangdong Province]
2024-04-09 05:08 Shenzhen City, [Shenzhen International Exchange Bureau of Guangdong Province] has been exported directly
2024-04-09 05:07 Shenzhen City, Export Customs/Release
2024-04-09 05:07 Shenzhen City, delivered to export customs
2024-04-09 04:17 Shenzhen City, the email left [Shenzhen International Hong Kong China Express Sales Department] and is being sent to [Shenzhen International]
2024-04-09 04:17 Shenzhen City, the mail has been sorted at [Shenzhen International Hong Kong Zhongkuai Sales Department] and is ready to be sent out
2024-04-09 04:17 Shenzhen City, China Post has received the mail