It's back to Guangzhou now. You need to track it in the following days to see if it will be returned to the seller or sent again. If it's back to the seller or stuck there for a long time, you need to contact the seller to give you a solution as soon as possible.
Tracking number: EB744220070CN I have same question as Josh. On tracking details it said Import Customs Release while in Guangzhou GuangDong why does it say import customs when it is been exported from China to Canada?
My package with tracking number EB788204067CN has been on the status Guangzhou City, sent to import customs, since 5/31. It has been over a week now with no update. Is this normal? how long does import customs usually take, or is there a problem with the package?
It's back to Guangzhou now. You need to track it in the following days to see if it will be returned to the seller or sent again. If it's back to the seller or stuck there for a long time, you need to contact the seller to give you a solution as soon as possible.