CP420060401CN Asked by norman | 1/21/2021 1:12:23 AM 0 hello, can you tell me how long does it take for the parcel to arrive when it left xili ?? thank you 1 Answer(s) Daisy | 1/21/2021 10:09:03 PM Reply 0 Hi norman,It takes about another 20-40 days to reach to my experience. You'd better wit for more days to get update. Related Questions CP420060401CN (1 reply) hello, can you tell me how long does it take for the parcel to arrive when it left xili ?? thank you CP420060401CN (1 reply) hello, my package has not moved since 01/08/21 and I cannot find out if it is in France or in xili ?? moreover, how long can it take again ?? thank you CP420060401CN (0 reply) hello why my package is indicated "arrives at destination" so that I have not received anything ??? thank you Answer This Question User Name: Email: Details of Your Reply: Submit Reset Thank you!Your answer has been posted successfully! Submited Failed
It takes about another 20-40 days to reach to my experience. You'd better wit for more days to get update.