CP396453374CN Not Receive Since 2020-12-6
Asked by Vincent |
Good day!
Happy Chinese New Year 20201
CP396453374CN delivered to 广州市, 送交承运商 2020-12-06
Please help to check parcel's status.
Many thanks in advance
Best regards
Happy Chinese New Year 20201
CP396453374CN delivered to 广州市, 送交承运商 2020-12-06
Please help to check parcel's status.
Many thanks in advance
Best regards
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1 Answer(s)

It was handed over to the carrier transport on Dec.6 and usually takes about 60-90 days to have update showing it arrives in Singapore after it was handed over to the carrier transport. You'd better wait for more days to get update. If there is no update in three months, you need to contact the seller to get a solution as soon as possible.