China Post: 86 10 11185 EMS: 86 10 11183

Contact number


Please send me the contact number of Wuhan, jiedakou China post office.

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8 Answer(s)

I couldn't find a post office called jiedakou in Wuhan. In fact, it's hard to get connected with the post office by phone. They only speak Chinese.

Do you mean to collect your package there or check where your package is now. Better call China Post service number 11183 (then 8 for English service) to check your package if you have the tracking number.

Daisy,Hi ma'am cannyou please help me with this parcel..
Tracking Number is (RG012045945CN)
That was from February 18 but unfortunately until now it wasn't arrived yet can you please help me if you have contact to china post ems please
Hi warheadsjong,

It's in transit to UAE now. You'd better wait for more days to get update.

Number: RG012045945CN
Package status: In transit
Country: China -> United Arab Emirates
2023-03-04 20:39 Aircraft entering the port
2023-03-04 20:38 Airline departure
2023-03-04 11:47 Airline receives
2023-03-03 15:51 Shanghai, delivered to the carrier for transportation
2023-02-26 20:57 Shanghai, Leave [Shanghai International Exchange Bureau], next stop【Shanghai International Exchange Station】 (via transfer)
2023-02-26 00:40 Shanghai, [Shanghai International Exchange Bureau] has been exported to direct seal
2023-02-25 22:49 Shanghai, Arrive at [Shanghai International Exchange Bureau] (via transfer)
2023-02-24 14:38 Guangzhou, leave [Guangzhou International Exchange Bureau], next stop [Shanghai International Exchange Bureau] (via transfer)
2023-02-23 01:10 Guangzhou, Arrive at [Guangzhou International Exchange Bureau] (via transfer)
2023-02-22 22:48 Dongguan City, leave [Guangdong Dongguan International Exchange Bureau], next stop【Guangzhou International Exchange Bureau】
2023-02-22 19:12 Dongguan City, Arrive at 【Guangdong Province Dongguan International Exchange Bureau】
2023-02-21 21:57 Dongguan City, leave [Parcel Express Bulk Business Department Backstage Support Class], the next stop [Dongguan International]
2023-02-21 21:57 Dongguan City, [Parcel Express Bulk Business Department Backstage Support Class] has been received and sent
Lost package says delivered on the 19th of June and it’s the 21st. I’ve checked the mailbox and nothing I’m wondering where my package is.
Hi Hassan,

Is it Jiedaokou China post office ? There is no Jiedakou China post office. I think you may write Jiedakou by mistake.

The contact number is 027-87581608.
Hi Jared,

If you don't get it, you need to contact the seller to reflect the problem and get a solution as soon as possible. Only the seller can require China Post to do a formal trace investigation.
i order my package 1and half mont ago and sinds 19 juli i didnt get an update. my shipper says every time wait for update but i am waitinf almost a wholo kont noe for the update sow is dont noe if i have got scammed or wat or do you know more about my package.
Why my package number EE209801755ID, still no release by China Postal custom ?

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