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Checking on package location


Hello, could you please tell me which courier service has or is handling my package in Australia as I have not received this package to date. I would like to contact the courier service to see where it is up to. Tracking number LL005011528442EX thankyou awaiting your reply.

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1 Answer(s)

Hi Stephen Penfold,

It's shipped by Xiamen Linlong Logistics Co., Ltd. (琳龙物流有限公司). Tracking information shows it was delivered on Feb.6. If you don't receive it, you need to contact the seller to reflect the problem and require the seller to contact the courier to check it for you.

Order number: LL005011528442EX
Package status: Successfully received (22 days)
Country: China -> Australia
2025-02-06 09:32 AU, it has been submitted
2025-02-04 09:46 AU, arrange delivery
2025-02-03 09:34 AU, arrive at the delivery office
2025-02-01 09:16 AU, arrive at the overseas economic transfer bureau
2025-01-31 08:33 AU, customs permit imports
2025-01-29 10:36 AU, aircraft entering port (arriving at destination)
2025-01-21 11:49 HK, 启运,Departed from airport,HK
2025-01-20 14:11 Shenzhen City, Export Customs/Released
2025-01-18 11:52 Shenzhen City, the email arrived at the processing center and was ready to send it to the next station
2025-01-17 10:57 Shenzhen City, the mail has been sorted and is ready to be sent
2025-01-16 09:28 Shenzhen City, Shenzhen Processing Center has received and sent
2025-01-16 09:28 Order information has been received

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