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CH107300492NL Where is it now


Again checking up on my package from aliexpress. CH107300492NL
If it is missing can you please update the status to missing so I can put a dispute on the order? I cannot open a dispute with a shipping status 'arrived in destination country', which is even incorrect!!
I don't believe it is still in transit after 4 weeks from Liege to a shipper unknown?
So either report it as missing, or tell me to who it is handed for delivery, or give me a correct tracking nr after liege?! and polease no covid excuses, as my other orders from 1,5 month later are coming in as usual..

1 Answer(s)

Hi mhensen,

It's sent by AliExpress hipping and there is no update after Dec.24 stuck in Liege. You'd better let the seller give you a solution if you don't want to wait for more days.

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