Balíček uvízl na celnici
Asked by Vendula |
Dobrý den, balíček, který jsem posílala do Činy již od 14.5.2024 leží na celnici. Eshop nereaguje na zprávy, které posílám. Sledovací číslo je CS011895075CZ. Prosím o prověření děkuji.
It was waiting for the receiver in China to submit declaration materials to the customs. You need to push the receiver to submit in time.
Order number: CS011895075CZ
Package status: In transit (38 days)
Country: Czech Republic -> China
2024-05-14 14:19 Wuhan City, waiting for the consignee to submit declaration materials to the customs, [Wuhan International Customs Declaration Department], Tel: 027-85818678/85813900
2024-05-14 10:25 Wuhan City, Customs clearance in progress
2024-05-11 14:27 Wuhan City, mail has left the [Central China Processing Center] and is being sent to the next stop
2024-05-11 13:28 Wuhan City, mail arrives at [Central China Processing Center]
2024-05-08 18:13 Beijing, mail has left [Beijing International Exchange Bureau] and is being sent to the next stop
2024-05-08 09:12 Beijing, sent to import customs
2024-05-03 05:50 Sent to carrier
2024-05-02 15:41 Leaving the overseas export exchange office (not yet arrived at China Post)
2024-04-30 09:17 【CZ】Received
2024-05-12 00:00 The consignment has entered the sorting centre in the destination country.
2024-05-08 00:00 The consignment was accepted by post office of exchange in the country of destination.
2024-05-02 00:00 The consignment was sent to the destination country.
2024-04-30 00:00 10007,Praha 107, The consignment was sent for transportation.
2024-04-30 00:00 Receipt of data about consignment.