Arrive at destination ChuLi ZhongXin,MaiAMi
Asked by Carley |
Is that suppose to be Miami? Or is my package still in China?
16 Answer(s)

Bonjour je voudrait savoir ou en n est mon colis .LE184165313CN.
Cordialement monsieur Georges
Cordialement monsieur Georges

Fayola Julien
They say my package reach chuli zhongxin is it still in China or it reach Miami. They say it reach South Arlington Virginia Us

Elise Mellman
They say my package arrived on January 4th
at Chuli Zhongxin center. The e packet tracking number is 557976949751. It is coming to me at 5140 SW 121 Avenue Cooper City, Florida 33330. It does not give me an estimated delivery date. Can you tell me when I can expect my order to be delivered. I need to know because I have a deadline to meet! Can you please give me an Idea when I might receive my order? I would appreciate it. Thanks!
at Chuli Zhongxin center. The e packet tracking number is 557976949751. It is coming to me at 5140 SW 121 Avenue Cooper City, Florida 33330. It does not give me an estimated delivery date. Can you tell me when I can expect my order to be delivered. I need to know because I have a deadline to meet! Can you please give me an Idea when I might receive my order? I would appreciate it. Thanks!

Kenneth Stocks
I have a cell phone battery replacement said to be at Dangguan ChuLi ZhongXIn from China.Its stuck there what can I do to get it moving to me?

Nuno Goncalves
The packet tracking number is UU337143439CN and has been in ChuLi ZhongXin since 2022-01-24 09:59:19.
Can you tell me when I can expect my order to be delivered. I need to know because I have a deadline to meet! Can you please give me an idea when I could receive my order? I would appreciate it. Thank you!
Can you tell me when I can expect my order to be delivered. I need to know because I have a deadline to meet! Can you please give me an idea when I could receive my order? I would appreciate it. Thank you!

Mr Fournerie JF
Bonjour pourriez vous me signaler si problème sur N° de Commande LE204557126CN pour destination France
en attente d'une réponse de vous remercier dans l'attente.
en attente d'une réponse de vous remercier dans l'attente.

Jacob Cruz
My package says it’s arrived at destionation in ChuLi ZhongXin. My tracking number is LV496892492CN, let me know when they estimated delivery is

My package says it’s arrived at destionation in ChuLi ZhongXin. My tracking number is LE205333297CN , let me know when they estimated delivery is

I paid extra for my package to come early and it’s taking longer then other the cheaper options. My tracking number is CY008856791CN and I wanted to know when my package will arrive. It’s already late I hope you could give me some good news or just let me know when it would arrive. Thank you.

Tammy Landes
My package AG279277235CN says it was successfully delivered on March 1. It was not delivered.

Herenia Morel
Hi my package shows that it was delivered by: ChuLi Center
,YiJingZaiPaiSongTuZhong,Package International YunShu Transit Zhong.
On July 3,2023 at 17:42 but I did not received anything. Tracking number is:
,YiJingZaiPaiSongTuZhong,Package International YunShu Transit Zhong.
On July 3,2023 at 17:42 but I did not received anything. Tracking number is:
It means it's in Miami now. You'd better wait for more days to see your local courier to deliver it to you.