Asked by ZIDAT Souraya |
Bonjour je suis Mme ZIDAT souraya
J'ai pas reçu ma commande numéro AM552966509CN
Est ce c'est possible de me donner le numéro de téléphone du livreur.
Veuillez me rappeler au 0033641309237
J'ai pas reçu ma commande numéro AM552966509CN
Est ce c'est possible de me donner le numéro de téléphone du livreur.
Veuillez me rappeler au 0033641309237
It was delivered on Nov. 10. If you don't receive it, try to contact the seller to check it for you. Only the seller can require China Post to do a formal trace investigation. If the seller doesn't reply, it may be a scam. We have found many seller uses china post parcel to ship some junk to another address. The shipping is real, but the parcel does not contain the goods you purchased and the parcel address is not even to your address either. You need to call your bank and report fraud asap.
Number: AM552966509CN
Package status: Delivered
Country: China -> France
2024-11-10 22:52 Delivered【CHELLES,77500】, has been delivered
2024-11-08 16:04 Dispatching【CHELLES,77500】, outbound delivery
2024-11-04 04:24 Departure from Processing Center【CHELLES,77500】, the shipment leaves the processing center
2024-10-30 11:44 Arriyal at Processing Center【CHELLES,77500】, the express arrives at the processing center
2024-10-29 19:35 In Transit【CHELLES】, the shipment is in transit within the country
2024-10-25 17:21 Arrival at【FR】, arrive
2024-10-23 08:27 In Transit【Shenzhen】, the express is in transit within the country, transiting on trunk lines
2024-10-21 13:44 Departure from【Shenzhen】, Departure
2024-10-20 23:00 Received by Carrier 【Shenzhen】, the carrier receives
2024-10-19 22:49 Departure from Processing Center 【Changsha】, the shipment leaves the processing center 【Departure from Processing Center 【Changsha】】
2024-10-18 15:54 Arrival at Processing Center【Changsha】, Express shipment arrives at Processing Center【Arrival at Processing Center【Changsha】】
2024-10-17 21:45 Departure from Processing Center【Changsha】, leave the collection point【Departure from Processing Center【Changsha】】
2024-10-17 17:20 Changsha City, China Post has received the mail