Address details
Asked by Peter Schoepe |
Ladies and gentlemen, i have got following address for sending back a package:
Ruicai Chen(11983544), 28-38#, Hongli youju, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518031, China
Are the following informations assigned to the correct address items ?
Recipient: Ruicai Chen (11983544)
Street: Hongli youju
Street number: 28-38
City: Shenzhen,
Postal code: 518031
Region: Guangdong
Country: China
Ruicai Chen(11983544), 28-38#, Hongli youju, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518031, China
Are the following informations assigned to the correct address items ?
Recipient: Ruicai Chen (11983544)
Street: Hongli youju
Street number: 28-38
City: Shenzhen,
Postal code: 518031
Region: Guangdong
Country: China
Hongli youju seems to be not a street name. It's Hongli Post Office? The address is not in detail. It's too general. If you write this, it may couldn't be got by the recipient. Better ask for the detailed one.