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3 weeks since parcel separted regional sorting system, no update


My tracking number is: CY014719300CN
It has not updated since mar, 31. It has been over 19 days with no update, last update is “departed regional sorting system” where is it? Is it stuck? Lost? Is it in China? Is in Transit? I had orders after from other seller that have arrived already. This is very concerning, would appreciate any help on where is it and what is causing this delay? And has anyone been encountering this and how long did it take them to receive their packages?

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1 Answer(s)

Hi WheresMyLuggage,

It's sent by a slow way of China Post. China Post doesn't provide full tracking service for it. You may couldn't get update after that. It usually takes about 60-90 days to be delivered. If you couldn't receive it in time, you need to contact the seller to reflect the problem and get a solution as soon as possible.

Number: CY014719300CN
Package status: In transit
Country: China -> United States
2023-03-31 17:00 Guangzhou, Leave [Guangzhou International Exchange Bureau], next stop【Guangzhou International Exchange Station】
2023-03-31 16:59 Guangzhou, Arrive at 【Guangzhou International Exchange Bureau】
2023-03-31 13:08 Guangzhou City, 【Guangzhou International Exchange Bureau】 has been exported to direct seal
2023-03-31 13:06 Guangzhou City, Export Customs/Release
2023-03-31 09:27 Guangzhou City, sent to export customs
2023-03-30 17:39 Guangzhou City, Leave [Guangzhou E-commerce Customer Liwan Bulk Investment Department], the next stop [Guangzhou International]
2023-03-29 18:13 Guangzhou, [Guangzhou e-commerce customer Liwan bulk investment department] has been received

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