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3 packages not updated with 30+ days


I have 3 packages that are apparently just sitting in dongguan city, why are they not moving?


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5 Answer(s)

Hi Ireallydontcarejusthelp,

They may couldn't be tracked to the end. If you couldn't get them in 50 days, you need to contact the seller to reflect the problem and get a solution from the seller in time.
I can’t get a response out of the seller. Their last and only response was that everything was “normal”
However I’ve never had this happen. There’s really no way to track those packages and see if they’re still in dongguan or the us now??
Hi Ireallydontcarejusthelp,

They should not be in Dongguan now. As they couldn't be tracked to the end, there is no update for them. You can only wait for more days to see.
Can you see what method of shipment they used? And do you know for a fact they have left dongguan and now have a new tracking number or are you just guessing/assuming since there’s been no movement. I’m confused. What are you seeing when you look up my 3 tracking numbers?
Can you see what method of shipment they used? And do you know for a fact they have left dongguan and now have a new tracking number or are you just guessing/assuming since there’s been no movement. I’m confused. What are you seeing when you look up my 3 tracking numbers?

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