2 Lost parcels
Asked by Meiling |
My family send me one letter (RK000311422FR) and one package (CK227338027FR) using the French postal service. Using the tracking number, i know that they respectively arrived in Beijing on August 19th and 28th, but there are no more information after these dates, it simply says "arrived at the distribution center" and "failed to be delivered", I have no idea which distribution center it is, therefore no way to get there.
Can somebody help me ?
Thank you
My family send me one letter (RK000311422FR) and one package (CK227338027FR) using the French postal service. Using the tracking number, i know that they respectively arrived in Beijing on August 19th and 28th, but there are no more information after these dates, it simply says "arrived at the distribution center" and "failed to be delivered", I have no idea which distribution center it is, therefore no way to get there.
Can somebody help me ?
Thank you
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1 Answer(s)

CK227338027FR was delivered on Sep. 6.
Number: CK227338027FR
Package status: Delivered
2020-09-06 14:52, Your package is delivered.
2020-09-06 14:52, Your parcel is in the delivery site that serves your address. We're preparing it for delivery.
2020-08-26 19:38, Your package could not be delivered to you. It will be delivered on the next business day.
2020-08-26 19:13, Your parcel is in the delivery site that serves your address. We're preparing it for delivery.
2020-08-26 14:57, Your parcel is in transit through our network to be delivered to you as quickly as possible.
2020-08-25 20:22, Your package is being cleared.
2020-08-25 19:19, Your package has arrived in the recipient's country.
2020-08-21 11:25, Your package is ready to go from its shipping territory. It will be handed over to the carrier for transport.
2020-08-21 11:13, Your parcel is in transit on our logistics platforms to be delivered to you as quickly as possible.
2020-08-20 19:41, Your parcel is in transit on our logistics platforms to be delivered to you as quickly as possible.
RK000311422FR is still in Francen now:
Number: RK000311422FR
Package status: In transit
2020-09-04 00:00, Your shipment has just arrived in France.
2020-08-21 00:00, Your shipment has arrived at the distribution office of the destination country.
2020-08-19 00:00, Your shipment has arrived at the distribution office of the destination country.
2020-08-19 00:00, Your shipment could not be distributed that day. It will be released as soon as possible.
2020-08-18 00:00, Your shipment has just arrived at the destination country.
2020-08-18 00:00, Your shipment is being checked by customs authorities.
2020-08-18 00:00, Your shipment is out of customs.
2020-08-18 00:00, Your shipment is being processed in the receiving country, it will be distributed soon.
2020-08-18 00:00, Your shipment is being checked by customs authorities.
2020-08-14 00:00, Your shipment has just left France.
2020-08-12 00:00, Your mail was delivered to the Post Office by the sender.
2020-08-12 00:00, Your mail was delivered to the Post Office by the sender.