How do I track a package from China?
How to Track?
If you placed an order from an online shop in China, you usually can find the tracking number from the order or package info pages in your account. If you couldn’t find it, you can contact the seller to ask for the number. If you send the package from China yourself, the staff of China Post will provide you with the tracking number at the time of you send it.
Then, you can track your package by filling in the tracking number from China Post Tracking Tool:
If you couldn’t get any information or couldn’t understand it, you can ask your question for free here:
Questions and Answers
Tracking no RF533825185GB
Shanghai delivered to carrier 4 January 2025 Says china post tracking. WHERE IS THE PARCEL
JASPOST Tracking # JAS80058077CN Package been in transit forever when is the es?
I want to know the estimated delivery date for my package its been in transit forever
Where is my parcel
The china post tracking system says my parcel is in Huddersfield. When will I get my parcel delivered to me?
It says that my package was delivered to my address on 30.12.2024, but it is not
Where is my package? In China Post tracking it says that my package was delivered on 30/12/2024 at 7:19am, but it is not. Could you please organise to get me my package?
No delivery
So the tracking number tells me my parcel was delivered but I was home and there was no delivery and can find who picked it up once it cleared nz customs. I have tried to contact a few couriers but knowone seems to have anything for me or my address the china post tracking dose not say who in nz was ment to deliver it. How do I track it down.
Package Not Delivered
China Post tracking says my package was delivered, but it was not.. Tracking is AM617194939CN