Reviews for China Post
Bellais from France | 9/25/2019 8:48:47 AM
delivered in 89 Days
I ordered to HVStuff several capacitors which were sent since june 6th 2019......and to day is september 25th and I have no news of my parcel....!!!
I sent mails to hvstuff and EUB and no one answer !!!
Ami60 from Indonesia | 9/20/2019 7:18:47 AM
delivered in 65 Days
my package has finally arrived after 65 days via [small packet by air].. thank you.. though there was no update after arrived at the destination country..
Happy Customer-Five Stars from Canada | 9/15/2019 6:56:35 AM
not delivered in 13 Days
I’ve had a number of items shipped via China Post. Depending on where they are originally coming from inland - it takes different timeframes. I’ve had parcels take as long as 6 weeks but the majority of them are delivered in 2 weeks or less. They have always arrived in good condition and my experience has been a very positive one - thank you
C.B from Austria | 9/11/2019 7:12:14 PM
not delivered in 30 Days
3 days and my parcel doesn't even show up but I understand due the current situation. Heard guanzhou airport is overloaded due hk airport shutting down but can only guess if it's true?
Don't know what's going on. It's less then a week and I don't want to bother the seller yet. Probably have to wait some more.
Just hope it get's here one way or another. And that they can resolve their situation peaceful.
Anathema from Romania | 9/5/2019 8:40:03 PM
not delivered in 45 Days
It is a painfully slow service. Last time it took me a month and a half. HK post is billion times superior.
from Zambia | 9/4/2019 4:55:43 PM
delivered in 52 Days
Thanks a lot. Item in good condition.
VGL from United States | 8/30/2019 6:46:36 PM
not delivered in 45 Days
My package sent on 7/15/19 in Guangzhou, my last updated online was 7/23/19 in Shanghai. It's more than a month I still don't know where is my package, I don't even know it's lost or on the way, so disappointed!
Csantos5501 from United States | 8/30/2019 1:38:11 AM
not delivered in 23 Days
I paid an extra $35 dollars so I can get my package between August 23-August 28 2019. It's a day after August 28 and after reading some reviews I think it will take much longer and that's completely unprofessional. I paid extra for it to get here sooner. If I was gonna wait this long, I would have just got free shipping. So disappointing.
Melissa from United Kingdom | 8/24/2019 9:07:11 PM
not delivered in 24 Days
I've used China post quite a few times and the experience hasn't been the best but it has been ok. Except this time. The updates are glitchy and rare, and my package is constantly being returned. I've only just today found out about the returns as it has said it has been in transit to LAL for about a week. I have no idea what's happening with my package at this point but I'm hoping it comes soon.
A. T from Albania | 8/17/2019 9:23:01 PM
not delivered in 30 Days
It has been pasted 25 days in transit, and i cant understand why. It's the second time having this kind of problem. I don't have any info for my product since 24.7.2019. Really worst service
MitZi from United States | 8/17/2019 2:29:15 AM
not delivered in 15 Days
My package LN434618589CN has been stuck in the same tracking update for three weeks saying its been at the Qingdao international mail exchange center. My package has no actual update in three weeks and I don't think I'm going to even actually see my package with no update saying if its left or if its transferring.
Jiayue from United States | 8/15/2019 1:30:19 PM
delivered in Days
MY PRODUCT HAS BEEN in transit into JFK 8 days ago and still it hasn't updated anything from then. This service is slow and unclear with its tracking!!!
med from Mauritius | 8/15/2019 7:39:34 AM
not delivered in 48 Days
I have order 2 blazers 2 months ago, still waiting. The tracking number stuck on the 23rd July. No update then. Could you please inform me of the update
Tyaich from Australia | 8/14/2019 8:39:21 AM
not delivered in 15 Days
Only 1 of my 2 packages arrived and the 1 that arrived was broken and squished.
MD from Canada | 7/31/2019 11:41:30 PM
not delivered in 11 Days
I’m still waiting on my two parcels I ordered from a jewelry site and it was shipped by China Postal it’s been in transit for 11 days and it never gives me accurate locations for where it is and I do not know how to contact the shipping company probably not to sure if I’ll even get my packages rate now this shipping company is very poor service until I seen better out comes or once I get my package if I do I’ll give a better review but not ever have I had to wait this long for something so sad!
Hammon from Korea | 7/25/2019 11:53:34 AM
delivered in 3 Days
I have bought hundreds of things from china delivered by China post. the service is terrible and very slow. very often my packages are crushed and broken.
Susan from Egypt | 7/17/2019 3:16:53 AM
delivered in 15 Days
I bought a bracelet from AliExpress, it's sent by China Post and takes 15 days to be delivered. Good job!
Thereviewers from United States | 7/6/2019 5:35:28 PM
delivered in 5 Days
Hey so I order something from them the we're airpods and they came right on time and in the mail I really love this company! right now I just ordered an Apple Watch screen protector from them and it a already here! I just love China post
Tom from New Zealand | 7/1/2019 10:42:13 PM
not delivered in 1 Days
Item was showing delivery completed but I never received it. NZ post shop said they delivered to different address. Can you provide what address you posted to on your label?
R.P. cz from Czech Republic | 6/27/2019 3:18:41 PM
not delivered in 17 Days
My order from Ali is near one month frozen at same place (date of delivery time)! I mean it is again losted by company. But I must wait and wait because there is a buyer protection . .
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